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If something is considered “priceless

If something is considered “priceless

10 Awesome Things You Can Do with a Big Cardboard Box

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If they further chastise you, inform them that you are not wearing underwear and threaten to defecate on their buy replica bags kitchen floor.

Throw the Box!

This one is pretty straight forward, and replica designer bags wholesale it can be played in any room in the house. Simply pick best replica designer bags up the box and throw it. Whoever throws it the furthest wins.

If you are playing by yourself, try to beat your own distance. Bonus points are given for buy replica bags online hitting stuff in your house. Remember, the more an object means to someone you love, the more points you high replica bags get for hitting it. If something is considered “priceless,” such as your great aunts vase of ashes, and you break it via a legal box throw, you automatically win.

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Designer Replica Bags Hit Strangers with a Box! Designer Replica Bags

Just as the name cheap designer bags replica suggests, this involves hitting strangers with a box. Try to be creative. If you hit all the people in line at the post office yesterday, don’t hit them again today. If you only hit defenseless elderly yesterday, steer towards small children today.

Remember to vary your angle of strike, in order to prevent arm fatigue. The intent should not be to hurt people, but don’t be afraid to laugh at them if they cry or ask you to stop hitting them with a big replica bags from china cardboard box.

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